Kulit cantik dan putih merupakan dambaan setiap wanita, mereka rela menghabiskan uang jutaan rupiah demi mendapatkan kulit cantik dan putih, berikut ini adalah tips-tips praktis untuk mempercantik dan memutihkan kulit Anda dengan cara murah, mudah dan alami. Di Cina sangat terkenal dengan kehalusan kulitnya lebih memilih memakai sayur dan buah daripada mengolesi kulit dengan krem dan kosmetika pabrikan lainnya.Kelebihan buah dan sayuran adalah bebas dari zat pengawet dan pewangi sehingga aman bagi kulit yang sesensitif apa pun. Kandungan air dalam buah dan sayur dapat melembabkan kulit serta lemaknya menghalangi proses penguapan air melalui pori-pori. Sehingga akan menghasilkan kulit tampak bersih, lembut, lentur dan bercahaya.
Tetapi tidak semua buah dan sayur dapat memutihkan kulit anda. Pada timun, jeruk, apel, tabu, kacang kedelai, seledri dan pisang sangat baik untuk kebersihan kulit anda terutama daerah wajah. Caranya sangat mudah yaitu dengan melumatnya lalu kenakan sebagai “krem” penghalus wajah.
Bila anda ingin memutihkan wajah, gunakan tabu, mentimun dan kacang kedelai. Kandungan vitamin B dan C dalam tabu ternyata dapat memutihkan kulit serta meredam bercak kemerahan pada kulit karena sengatan matahari.
Mentimun yang kaya vitamin, lemak dan mineral juga dapat memutihkan kulit tetapi sebaiknya jangan anda campur buah atau sayur yang mengandung vitamin C karena akan menetralkan vitamin dalam mentimun tersebut. Sedangkan vitamin, kalsium, lemak dan protein pada kacang kedelai berfungsi memberi gizi, melembabkan serta mengatasi iritasi pada kulit.
Untuk membuat ramuan sebaiknya rebus 150 gr labu lalu lumatkan dan campurkan satu buah mentimun berukuran sedang dengan blender. Rendam 50 gr kacang kedelai selama beberapa jam, lalu haluskan dengan blender.
Sebelumnya bersihkan wajah dengan pembersih yang mengandung sari mentimun. Lalu oleskan krim mutiara (pearl cream) pada wajah secara merata, pijat perlahan-lahan memutar dan diamkan beberapa saat. Olesi wajah dengan jus mentimun 1/3 bagian saja secara tipis dan merata, lakukan juga pijatan ringan merata kurang lebih 1 menit.
Langkah selanjutnya ada penguapan pada wajah dengan mencampurkan sisa jus mentimun ke dalam baskom berisi air panas. Biarkan uap air itu mengenai wajah anda selama 5-10 menit hingga wajah anda terasa hangat. Lalu oleskan secara tipis jus kacang kedelai pada wajah dan pijat secara merata selama 5 menit. Diamkan sesaat dan kemudian hapus semua dengan waslap basah.
Terakhir gunakanlah lumatan labu sebagai masker wajah dan biarkan selama 20 menit, lalu bersihkan. Maka wajah anda akan tampak lebih bersih dan putih dalam waktu yang lebih singkat daripada produk pemutih lainnya.
Tips pertama adalah pola makan yang baik.
1. Jangan makan berlebihan. Ingat resep dari Rasulullah: ’1/3 untuk makanan, 1/3 untuk air, 1/3 untuk udara’ (itu maksimal lho). Jika melebihi itu, lama-lama lambung dan usus kita katanya bisa melar.
2. Prinsip ’energy in = energy out’. Energi yang terkandung dalam makanan yang kita asup tidak boleh lebih dari energi yang kita keluarkan. Karena itu, kebutuhan makan tiap orang memang berbeda-beda. Tergantung aktivitasnya. Pekerja berat seperti kuli bangunan, kuli angkut, dan petani pasti banyak kan makannya. Berbeda dengan seorang bos atau owner sebuah perusahaan yang mapan, yang biasa disebut sudah ’passive income’ (nggak kerja pun pundi-pundi uang terus mengalir ke sakunya). Untuk menerapkan prinsip ’energy in = energy out’ ini, ada cara praktis dari Rasulullah yaitu makanlah ketika merasa lapar dan berhentilah makan sebelum kekenyangan. Ini artinya kita mengikuti ritme tubuh kita. Kalau kita merasa lapar, itu berarti tubuh kita sedang butuh energi kan. Tapi, jangan sampai kekenyangan karena jika sampai kekenyangan berarti itu sudah melebihi kebutuhan. Ya kan?
3. Hindari terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan-makanan berlemak tinggi, baik itu lemak hewani maupun lemak nabati. Demikian pula karbohidrat, jangan dikonsumsi secara berlebihan. Sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan (energy in = energy out). Sebagai gantinya, perbanyak mengkonsumsi makanan-makanan sumber protein, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Juga, jangan terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi minuman-minuman selain air putih, terutama yang manis-manis. Sebab, air putih katanya adalah minuman yang paling aman. Karena itu, banyak minum air putih katanya tidak apa-apa, maksudnya tidak berbahaya. Asalkan berlebihannya nggak kebangetan juga kan?
4. Banyak berpuasa sunnah. Tapi ingat, malamnya nggak boleh balas dendam. Kalau puasa tapi malamnya melahap makanan tanpa batas ya sama saja. Dan itu sepertinya pertanda kalau puasanya kurang ikhlas. Habis, pakai balas dendam segala sih…
Tips kedua adalah olahraga yang memadahi.
1. Lakukan olahraga ’super kardio-aerobik’, maksudnya adalah olahraga yang paling bikin jantung kita terpacu dan bikin kita tersengal-sengal seperti lari, renang, sepakbola, dan sebagainya. Katanya ini cara paling cepat untuk membakar lemak-lemak di tubuh kita. Makanya, nggak ada kan pelari maraton yang gemuk. Habis, semua lemaknya habis terbakar oleh ribuan kilo jalan yang ia lalui dengan berlari.
2. Lakukan olahraga penguatan otot-otot tubuh, terutama otot-otot perut (seperti sit-up, bentuk v, dsb). Yang lebih baik adalah pembentukan semua otot-otot tubuh secara merata, tidak hanya perut semata. Dan yang penting, repetisi alias keteraturannya. Jangan banyak tapi cuma sekali atau dua kali saja, habis itu nggak sama sekali. Lebih baik nggak terlalu banyak tapi teratur (asal jangan terlalu sedikit lho ya).
Tips ketiga adalah hindari stress. Konon, stress bisa menghasilkan hormon-hormon tubuh yang memicu kegemukan. Cara paling jitu untuk menghindari stress adalah dengan santapan-santapan ruhani seperti banyak berdoa, membaca Al-Qur’an, rajin shalat, banyak silaturahim, murah senyum, menjaga diri dari penyakit-penyakit hati, me-manage segala sesuatu dengan baik, dan mencari solusi yang rasional dan relijius bagi setiap permasalahan yang menimpa diri kita.
Terakhir, santai saja melakukan semua ini. Katanya, tubuh satu orang dengan orang yang lainnya berbeda-beda dalam karakternya untuk menyimpan lemak tubuh yang berlebihan. Ada yang menyimpannya pada seluruh bagian tubuh secara merata. Ada yang di bagian kaki. Dan yang banyak, katanya, adalah di bagian perut. Jadi kalau kita melakukan usaha pelangsingan tubuh, sangat bisa jadi yang terakhir kali menjadi langsing adalah perut kita.Soalnya, lemak di perut tuh katanya yang paling bandel. Tuh kan?
Akhirnya, selamat mencoba!
materi referensi:
I am Nami the Navigator
Jadwal Kuliah (4IA15) - UTS PTA 2009
Hari Tanggal Mata Kuliah Waktu Ruang
Kamis 26/11/2009 Pengantar Forensik Teknologi Informasi 2 J1503
Kamis 26/11/2009 Pengantar Forensik Teknologi Informasi 2 J1504
Kamis 26/11/2009 Pengantar Forensik Teknologi Informasi 2 J1505
Kamis 26/11/2009 Pengantar Forensik Teknologi Informasi 2 J1507
Senin 30/11/2009 Teknik Kompilasi ** 2 J1519
Senin 30/11/2009 Teknik Kompilasi ** 2 J1520
Selasa 01/12/2009 Jaringan Komputer Lanjut ** 2 J1508
Selasa 01/12/2009 Jaringan Komputer Lanjut ** 2 J1509
Rabu 02/12/2009 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 1 J1318
Rabu 02/12/2009 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 1 J1319
Jum'at 04/12/2009 Pemodelan dan Simulasi 31 J1203
Jum'at 04/12/2009 Pemodelan dan Simulasi 31 J1204
Selasa 08/12/2009 Pemrograman WEB ** 3 J1508
Selasa 08/12/2009 Pemrograman WEB ** 3 J1509
Rabu 09/12/2009 Pengantar Jaringan Saraf Buatan ** 2 J1525
Rabu 09/12/2009 Pengantar Jaringan Saraf Buatan ** 2 J1526
Jum'at 11/12/2009 Pengantar Pengolahan Citra 31 J1412
Jum'at 11/12/2009 Pengantar Pengolahan Citra 31 J1415
Sabtu 12/12/2009 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 1 2 J1403
Sabtu 12/12/2009 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 1 2 J1404
08.30 . 10.00
Ujian Pagi
Hari : Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Sabtu
10.30 . 12.00
13.00 . 14.30
15.00 . 16.30
18.15 . 19.45
Ujian Malam Semua hari
20.00 . 21.30
09.00 . 10.30
Ujian Pagi Khusus Jum.at
13.30 . 15.00
15.30 . 17.00
08.30 . 11.30
Ujian Pagi
Hari : Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Sabtu
08.30 . 13.00
08.30 . 14.30
08.30 . 15.30
13.00 . 16.00
18.15 . 21.15
Ujian Malam (lebih dari satu sessie)
09.00 . 12.00
Ujian pagi (lebih dari satu sessie) Khusus Jum.at
09.00 . 11.00
09.00 . 13.30
13.30 . 17.00
09.00 . 15.00
17 tips agar halaman blog terlihat lebih Profesional :
1. Lakukan pengecekan halaman pada beberapa web browser yang berbeda: Tampilan halaman anda begitu cantik di browser firefox tetapi belum tentu bagus di browser IE atau Opera atau browser yang lain. Ingat pengunjung blog anda tidak hanya menggunakan satu browser saja. untuk itu anda coba lakukan pengecekan dengan browser yang berbeda, misalkan : Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, IE, Opera, Safari.
2. Pilihan warna pada blog : Pemilihan warna memang susah-susah gampang semuanya tergantung selera pemilik blog. Jangan terlalu egois, pilih warna sesuai dengan tema blog anda. coba anda pikir jika blog anda tentang agama dengan pilihan warna hitam, terlihat janggal bukan! kebanyakan warna hitam lebih cenderung ke situs yang bertemakan underground.
3. Hindari Memasang Jam : Tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri apa gunanya memasang jam di blog anda, jika hanya sebagai pengingat waktu atau untuk mempercantik halaman sebaiknya tidak usah digunakan, apa gunanya jam pada taksbar windows. yang jelas bakal bikin load page anda semakin berat.
4. Hindari pasang kalender : Apa gunanya kalender windows? orang butuh informasi dari blog anda bukan ingin melihat kalender. sekedar informasi kalender yang saya maksud adalah kalender umum, beda dengan kalender yang menampilkan sebuah posting (biasanya banyak digunakan pengguna wordpress)
5. Hindari pasang jumlah pengunjung tetap: jika blog anda baru jangan gunakan jumlah pengunjung (counter), ini akan berakibat penilaian yang buruk terhadap blog anda. walaupun untuk beberapa penyedia layanan counter menyediakan fasilitas untuk memanipulasi dan menambah jumlah pengunjung secara manual, coba anda pikir blog yang baru dibuat sudah mencapai 100.000 pengunjung apa itu mungkin?.
6. Jangan memelas untuk meminta mengklik iklan : hindari kata "klik iklan dibawah ini" atau bahasa apapun yang meminta pengunjung anda untuk mengklik iklan. sampai saat ini ada beberapa blog yang melakukan hal tersebut (maaf jika blog anda termasuk dalam hal ini) siapa sih didunia ini yang suka diperintah, Tanpa anda menyuruhpun pengunjung bakal mengklik iklan tersebut jika dirasa berguna gai mereka.
7. Jangan memasang iklan yang berserakan : Iklan yang banyak memang sangat menguntungkan, namun jangan sampai isi halaman anda hanya iklan dan iklan. Pasang iklan sewajarnya saja dan tahukah anda pengunjung sangat risih dengan adanya iklan yang telihat melebihi kapasitas dari isi halaman blog anda.
8. Hindari memasang lagu pada blog : Selain bikin halaman berat blog yang menampilkan lagu agak terkesan tidak profesional dan maaf agak terkesan jaman dulu (jadul). Tidak masalah jika blog anda tentang musik atau blog personal tapi untuk blok bisnis kayanya kurang cocok.
9. Menampilkan status IP pengunjung : Blog anda bukan program spy khan?, jadi lebih baik tidak usah dipasang agar pengunjung tidak merasa dimata-matai.
10. Memasang widgets yang tidak ada hubunganganya dengan blog : Menambahkan widgets memang menyenangkan tapi jika tidak ada hubungannya malah blog anda terkesan aneh. pasanglah widget sesuai dengan kebutuhan saja.
11. Jangan hanya Copy-Paste : Saya tidak melarang anda untuk melakukan Copy-Paste, jika memang dilakukan sebaiknya perbaiki juga code scriptnya, hargai jerih payah penulis sebenarnya karna jika hanya copy-paste tulisannya tidak bakal terlihat rapi dan kemungkinan gambar yang diikutsertakan tidak bakal muncul.
12. Perhatikan tanda baca : Perhatikan tulisan anda apakah sudah benar tanda bacanya. Kesalahan dalam titik koma saja akan berakibat mempunyai arti yang berbeda.
13. Jangan gunakan gambar yang besar : Gambar memang mempercantik halaman anda, gambar yang besar justru jadi bumerang buat loading page anda. yang jelas blog anda pasti akan diabaikan untuk sementara waktu ketika loading page sedang berjalan.
14. Periksa Dead link : Link yang telah mati bakal tidak disukai pembaca, jangan kan pembaca search engine pun tidak menyukai hal ini. Lakukan pengecekan dead link sesering mungkin, banyak tools di internet yang bisa melakukan tugas ini.
15. Jangan terlalu banyak memposting artikel orang lain : Ini akan mendapat respon buruk dari pembaca, karna pembaca akan lebih berpikir lebih baik membaca kesumbernya secara langsung.
16. Selalu pasang nama sumber artikel : Blog yang profesional selalu menghargai jerih payah orang lain, yang jelas memasang nama sumber tidak merugikan anda sedikitpun sebaliknya penghargaan atas jerih payah orang lain itulah yang membuat anda terlihat lebih profesional.
17. Cara merespon komentar yang baik : Jangan pernah bersikap menggurui, hargai semua komentar dengan bijak walau pun ada beberapa komentar yang menyebalkan. Ingat! blog tempat orang menuangkan semua ide dan pemikiran jadi semua orang pasti mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda.
Write by CGyp Labels: Indonesia, Serba serbi
Script Hack Chips POKER “Facebook”
Kurang Chips..??
atau mau menambah CHips..!!
tapi disini Pake cara yang ga halal ya ^_^,sedkit curang tak apalah..!! nama nya juga kita hidup di dunia yang fana..!! Lets go to Script..
Eits sebelumnya ini juga bisa jadi PERINGATAN buat yang masih awammmm…walaupun tujuan nya nge hack Chips poker nya TAPI otomatis FB kita di ambil alih…..!!!
Langsung aja ahh..
cara kerja nya gini, mngirim notification palsu ke email target, tp email yg dikirim terkesan seperti fb asli.
contoh: http://faoebook.ueuo.com/request.htm
link itu berguna untuk mengirim notification palsu.
Nama Belakang: bebas terserah
Nama Depan: bebas jg
Email Tujuan: ini di isi dgn email target
klo mau lw blh coba pake link itu n’ targetin ke email lw sendiri. dan liat hasil yg msk ke email lw, trus isi email yg msk seperti ini:
Langsung pd Script:
1. http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2673064_mriwc/yakub1.txt
copas isi nya ke notepad, ganti nama faoebook.ueuo.com dgn nama domain anda. save dgn nama login.php.htm Ingat format “htm”
2. http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2673063_shxgl/yakub2.txt
copas isi nya ke notepad, ganti nama email yakub_israel@yahoo.co.id dgn nama email anda. save dgn nama login_act.php Ingat format hrs “php”
3. http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2673062_0hay6/yakub3.txt
copas isi nya ke notepad, ganti nama faoebook.ueuo.com dgn nama domain anda. save dgn nama next_login.php Ingat format “php”
4. http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2673065_xb1qm/yakub4.txt
copas isi nya ke notepad, save dgn nama request.htm Ingat format “htm”
Upload semua file tsb ke free hosting mana aja, terserah. tp ane rekomendasiin ke 000webhost aja. karna ga semua free hosting support dgn script ini. klo bisa untuk pemilihan subdomain jgn menyakut dgn nama FACEBOOK.. biasa nya suka di suspend sm hosting nya. pintar2 kalian lah pilih nama subdomain nya.
setelah diUpload jgn lupa setting Chmode Permission untuk semua file2nya menjadi 777 (rwxrwxrwx).
SEMINAR "Open Solaris Day"
SEMINAR "Open Solaris Day"
Universitas Gunadarma kembali bekerjasama dengan Sun Microsystems Indonesia dalam menyelenggarakan seminar dengan tema "Open Solaris Day".
Tanggal & Waktu: Monday, 16 November 2009, 08:30 — 13:00
Lokasi: Universitas Gunadarma | Auditorium Gd. 4 Lt. 6
Jl. Margonda Raya No.100
Depok, Indonesia
Batas waktu pendaftaran: Friday, 13 November 2009
Registration for this session opens on Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Pengenalan Program Studi dan Program Pendidikan Tinggi (PPSPPT) 7 Juli – 13 Agustus 2009
Perkuliahan sebelum Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) 3 September – 21 November 2009
Pendistribusian FRS ke mahasiswa 3 September – 3 Oktober 2009
Kegiatan Pengisian dan Pengambilan KRS
Kelas 2 s/d Kelas 4 7 September – 15 September 2009
Kelas 1 dan Non Kelas (termasuk Batal/Ubah/Tambah) 1 Oktober – 24 Oktober 2009
Libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri 17 September – 26 September 2009
Batas akhir pengambilan KRS 2 November 2009
Batas akhir pengurusan cuti akademik 13 November 2009
Libur Tenang I 23 November – 24 November 2009
Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) 25 November – 12 Desember 2009
Perkuliahan setelah UTS 14 Desember 2009 – 2 Januari 2010
Libur Natal 25 Desember – 26 Desember 2009
Libur Tenang II 4 Januari – 6 Januari 2010
Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) 7 Januari – 23 Januari 2010
Ujian Utama 25 Januari – 30 Januari 2010
A determiner is a noun modifier that expresses the reference of a noun or noun phrase in the context, including quantity, rather than attributes expressed by adjectives. This function is usually performed by articles, demonstratives, possessive determiners, or quantifiers.
As indicated in the tables below, many determiners can be used either as adjectives or as pronouns. As will be pointed out in the next chapter, when a determiner is used as an adjective modifying a noun, the determiner usually precedes any other adjectives modifying the same noun.
The use of the following determiners has already been discussed in previous chapters: a, an, the, this, that, these and those. The possessive adjectives my, your, his, her, our and their can also be classified as determiners.
As indicated below, many determiners may be used only with certain types of noun. In the following tables, the abbreviation CN stands for Countable Noun, and the abbreviation UN stands for Uncountable Noun. In these tables, the noun tree is used as an example of a countable noun, and the noun grass is used as an example of an uncountable noun.
Determiners used as Adjectives
Determiner Used With Example Meaning
all plural CN all trees trees in general
UN all grass grass in general
another singular CN another tree one additional or different tree
any singular CN any tree refers to one tree, without
specifying which, of a group
of more than 2 trees
plural CN any trees refers to 2 or more trees,
without specifying which
UN any grass refers to some grass,
without specifying which
both plural CN both trees refers to 2 trees of a
group of 2
each singular CN each tree refers to every tree,
considered individually,
of a group of 2 or more
either singular CN either tree refers to 1 of 2 trees,
without specifying which
enough plural CN enough trees a sufficient number of trees
UN enough grass a sufficient amount of grass
every singular CN every tree all trees, without exception,
of a group of more than 2 trees
few plural CN few trees a small number of trees
fewer plural CN fewer trees a smaller number of trees
less UN less grass a smaller amount of grass
little UN little grass a small amount of grass
many plural CN many trees a large number of trees
more plural CN more trees an additional number of trees
UN more grass an additional amount of grass
most plural CN most trees nearly all trees
UN most grass nearly all grass
much UN much grass a large amount of grass
neither singular CN neither tree no tree of a group of 2 trees
no singular CN no tree not any tree
plural CN no trees not any trees
UN no grass not any grass
one singular CN one tree a single tree
only plural CN only trees nothing except trees
UN only grass nothing except grass
other plural CN other trees different trees
UN other grass different grass
several plural CN several trees more than 2 trees, but not
a large number of trees
some singular CN some tree an unspecified tree
plural CN some trees unspecified trees
UN some grass unspecified grass
such singular CN such a tree a tree of a certain kind
plural CN such trees trees of a certain kind
UN such grass grass of a certain kind
that singular CN that tree a particular tree, which
is not nearby
UN that grass particular grass, which
is not nearby
these plural CN these trees particular trees, which
are nearby
this singular CN this tree a particular tree, which
is nearby
UN this grass particular grass, which
is nearby
those plural CN those trees particular trees, which
are not nearby
what singular CN what tree asks in general for one
tree to be specified
plural CN what trees asks in general for particular
trees to be specified
UN what grass asks in general for particular
grass to be specified
which singular CN which tree asks for one tree to be specified
from a certain group of trees
plural CN which trees asks for trees to be specified
from a certain group of trees
UN which grass asks for some of certain
grass to be specified
The following determiners can be used independently, as pronouns:
Determiners used as Pronouns
Determiner Used With Example Meaning
all plural CN all (of) the trees refers to every tree in a
group of more than 2
UN all (of) the grass refers to the whole amount
of certain specified grass
another plural CN another of the trees one more of certain
specified trees
any plural CN any of the trees refers to 1 or more
unspecified trees from a
group of more than 2
UN any of the grass refers to some of certain
specified grass
both plural CN both of the trees refers to 2 trees of a
group of 2
each plural CN each of the trees refers to every tree,
considered individually,
of a group of 2 or more
either plural CN either of the trees refers to 1 of 2 trees,
without specifying which
enough singular CN enough of the tree a sufficient amount of a
specified tree
plural CN enough of the trees a sufficient number of
certain specified trees
UN enough of the grass a sufficient amount of
certain specified grass
few plural CN few of the trees a small number from a
specified group of trees
fewer plural CN fewer of the trees a smaller number from a
specified group of trees
less UN less of the grass a smaller amount of certain
specified grass
little UN little of the grass a small amount of certain
specified grass
many plural CN many of the trees a large number of certain
specified trees
more plural CN more of the trees an additional number of
certain specified trees
UN more of the grass an additional amount of
certain specified grass
most plural CN most of the trees nearly all of certain
specified trees
UN most of the grass nearly all of certain
specified grass
much UN much of the grass a large proportion of
certain specified grass
neither plural CN neither of the trees no tree of a group of 2 trees
none plural CN none of the trees no tree of certain specified
UN none of the grass no grass of certain specified
one plural CN one of the trees a single tree of certain
specified trees
others plural CN others of the trees different trees, from a
particular group of trees
several plural CN several of the trees more than 2, but not a large
number, of certain specified
some singular CN some of the tree an unspecified portion of
a particular tree
plural CN some of the trees unspecified trees from a
particular group of trees
UN some of the grass an unspecified portion
of particular grass
such plural CN such of the trees trees of a certain kind,
from a certain specified
group of trees
UN such of the grass grass of a certain kind,
from certain specified
those plural CN those of the trees particular trees, from a
certain specified group
of trees
which plural CN which of the trees asks for one or more trees
to be specified, from a
particular group of trees
Determiners used to refer to groups of two persons or things
In Old English, there were singular forms, plural forms and dual forms. Dual forms are used to refer to two persons or things. In modern English, a few words still remain which refer to two persons or things.
For example, the determiners both, either and neither are used when referring to groups of two. Both refers to two things of a group of two, either refers to one thing of a group of two, and neither refers to zero things of a group of two.
e.g. I have two brothers. Both of them are engineers.
I had two maps of the city, but I cannot find either of them.
There are two textbooks for the course. Neither of them is expensive.
In contrast, the determiners all, any and none may be used when referring to groups with more than two members. All may refer to every member of a group of three or more, any may refer to one member of a group of three or more, and none may refer to zero members of a group of three or more.
e.g. I have three brothers. All of them are engineers.
I had four maps of the city, but I cannot find any of them.
There are six textbooks for the course. None of them is expensive.
See Exercise 1.
The following rules for the use of either and neither should be noted.
If it is desired to change a clause beginning with either so as to express a negative meaning, either must be changed to neither.
e.g. Affirmative Meaning: Either of the alternatives is acceptable.
Negative Meaning: Neither of the alternatives is acceptable.
Affirmative Meaning: Either hotel will offer you its best room.
Negative Meaning: Neither hotel will offer you its best room.
A sentence which contains the word either, in which either does not occur at the beginning of a clause, can be changed to express a negative meaning either by using the word not, or by changing either to neither.
e.g. Affirmative Meaning: You may borrow either of the books.
Negative Meaning: You may not borrow either of the books.
Negative Meaning: You may borrow neither of the books.
Affirmative Meaning: I might give the message to either boy.
Negative Meaning: I might not give the message to either boy.
Negative Meaning: I might give the message to neither boy.
It should be noted that in modern English, the determiner neither is most often used only at the beginning of a clause. Otherwise, the meaning of neither is usually expressed by the combination not … either.
In addition to being used as determiners, the words both, either and neither can also be used as conjunctions. Conjunctions will be discussed in Chapter 28.
Determiners used as singular or plural pronouns
In formal English, the pronouns another, each, either, neither and one always take singular verbs.
e.g. Each of the children wants to win the prize.
Either of the alternatives is acceptable.
Neither of the books has good illustrations.
Every one of the students was ready on time.
In these examples, the singular verbs wants, is, has, and was are used with the pronouns each, either, neither and one.
In informal English, plural verbs are sometimes used with pronouns such as each, either and neither.
e.g. Neither of the books have good illustrations.
However, this use of the plural verb is considered to be grammatically incorrect in formal English.
It should also be noted that in formal English, when the words another, each, every, either, neither and one are used in combination with personal pronouns or possessive adjectives, singular forms are always used. As mentioned previously, in formal English, the adjective his or the phrase his or her may be used when referring to a group containing both male and female members.
e.g. Each of the children waited impatiently for his turn.
Every student raised his or her hand.
Neither of the girls has finished her homework.
Either of the hotels will offer you its best room.
In these examples, each, every, neither and either are used in combination with the singular forms his, his or her, her and its.
In informal English, plural possessive adjectives are often used in this type of sentence.
e.g. Neither of the girls finished their homework.
However, this use of the plural possessive adjective is considered to be grammatically incorrect in formal English.
It should be noted that in both formal and informal English, none is used sometimes with singular, and sometimes with plural verbs.
e.g. None of them is here. or
None of them are here.
In contrast, the pronouns both, few, many and several are always plural. They take plural verbs, and are used in combination with plural personal pronouns and possessive adjectives. In addition, the pronoun all is always plural when used with countable nouns.
e.g. Both of the boys have completed their essays.
Several of the musicians are giving their first performances tonight.
All of the girls have finished their homework.
In these examples, the pronouns both, several and all take the plural verbs have completed, are giving and have finished, and are used in combination with the plural possessive adjective their.
In most Indo-European languages, determiners are either independent words or clitics that precede the rest of the noun phrase. In other languages, determiners are prefixed or suffixed to the noun, or even change the noun’s form. For example, in Swedish bok “book”, when definite, becomes boken “the book” (suffixed definite articles are common in Scandinavian languages).
In some constructions, such as those which use the names of school subjects (“Physics uses mathematics”), a determiner is not used. This condition is called the “zero determiner” instance.
X-bar theory contends that every noun has a corresponding determiner. In a case where a noun does not have a pronounced determiner, X-bar theory hypothesizes the presence of a zero article.
English determiners
The determiner function is usually performed by the determiner class of words, but can also be filled by words from other entities:
1. Basic determiners are words from the determiner class (e.g. the girl, those pencils) or determiner phrases (e.g. almost all people, more than two problems).
2. Subject determiners are possessive noun phrases (e.g. his daughter, the boy’s friend).
3. Minor determiners are plain NPs (e.g. what colour carpet, this size shoes) and prepositional phrases (under twenty meters, up to twelve people).
Determiner Class
A determiner establishes the reference of a noun or noun phrase, including quantity, rather than its attributes as expressed by adjectives. Despite this tendency, determiners have a variety of functions including, in English, modifiers in adjective phrases and determiner phrases, and even markers of coordination.
This word class, or part of speech, exists in many languages, including English, though most English dictionaries still classify determiners under other parts of speech. Determiners usually include articles, and may include items like demonstratives, possessive determiners, quantifiers, and cardinal numbers, depending on the language.
English determiners
Determiners, in English, form a closed class of words that number (exclusive of cardinal numerals) about 50 and include[1]:
• Alternative-additive Determiners: another, other, somebody else
• Articles: a, an, the
• Cardinal Numbers: one, two, fifty, etc.
• Degree Determiners: many, much, few, little…
• Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, which
• Disjunctive Determiners: either, neither
• Distributive Determiners: each, every
• Elective Determiners: any, either, wichever
• Equative Determiners: the same
• Evaluative Determiners: such
• Exclamative Determiners: what eyes!
• Existential Determiners: some, any
• Interrogative and Relative Determiners: which, what, whichever, whatever
• Negative Determiners: no, neither
• Personal Determiners: we teachers, you guys
• Positive-multal Determiners: a lot of, many, several
• Positive-paucal Determiners: a few, a little, some
• Possessive Determiners: my, your, our, etc.
• Qualitative Determiners: that, so
• Quantifiers: all, few, many, several, some, every, each, any, no, etc.
• Sufficiency Determiners: enough, sufficient
• Uniquitive Determiners: the only
• Universal Determiners: all, both
The two categories into which every one of these determiners can be classified are those of the definite determiners, which limit their reference back to a specific already mentioned entity, and the indefinite determiners, which broaden their referent to one which has not been previously specified, or has just been newly introduced into discourse.
While many words belong to this lexical category exclusively, others belong to a number of categories, for example, the pronoun what in What is good as opposed to the determiner what in what one is good. While numerals exist as nouns, it is debated whether numerals are determiners or not[2]. For instance, the English numerals for 100 or larger need a determiner, such as “a hundred men.” Similarly, while pronouns like my, your, etc. function as determiners in a noun phrase, many grammars do not make the distinction between class and function and so lump these in with determiners.
Differences from adjectives
Traditional English grammar does not include determiners and calls most determiners adjectives. There are, however, a number of key differences between determiners and adjectives.
1. In English, articles, demonstratives, and possessive determiners cannot co-occur in the same phrase, while any number of adjectives are typically allowed.
1. A big, green, expensive English book
2. * The his book
2. Most determiners cannot occur alone in predicative complement position; most adjectives can.
1. He is happy.
2. * He is the.
3. Most determiners are not gradable, while adjectives typically are.
1. happy, happier, happiest
4. Some determiners have corresponding pronouns, while adjectives don’t.
1. Each likes something different.
2. * Big likes something different.
5. Adjectives can modify singular or plural nouns, while some determiners can only modify one or the other.
1. a big person / big people
2. many people / * many person
6. Adjectives are never obligatory, while determiners often are.
Differences from pronouns
Determiners such as this, all, and some can often occur without a noun. In traditional grammar, these are called pronouns. There are, however, a number of key differences between such determiners and pronouns.
1. Pronouns may occur in tag questions. Determiners cannot.
1. This is delicious, isn’t it?
2. *This is delicious, isn’t this?
2. In phrasal verbs, pronouns must appear between the verb and particle. Determiners may occur after the particle.
1. pick it up
2. *pick up it
3. pick this up
4. pick up this
3. Pronouns all have distinct genitive forms. Determiners do not.
1. This is mine/yours/theirs.
2. *This is all’s.
Other realisations
In English, and in many other Indo-European languages, determiners are either independent words or clitics that precede the rest of the noun phrase. Not all languages, however, have a lexically distinct class of determiners. Determiner functions are sometimes realized morphologically as affixes on the noun, or by changing the noun’s form. For example, Swedish bok (“book”), when definite, becomes boken (“the book”). Definite article suffixes are also found in the other North Germanic languages, in Romanian, and in Bulgarian.
An article is a limiting word, not descriptive, which cannot be used alone, but always joins to a substantive word to denote a particular thing, or a group or class of things, or any individual of a group or class.
Articles are either definite or indefinite.
The is the definite article, since it points out a particular individual, or group, or class.
An or a is the indefinite article, because it refers to any one of a group or class of things.
An and a are different forms of the same word, the older ān.
Their origin.
The article the comes from an old demonstrative adjective (sē, sēo, ðat, later thē, thēo, that) which was also an article in Old English. In Middle English the became an article, and that remained a demonstrative adjective.
An or a came from the old numeral ān, meaning one.
Two relics.
Our expressions the one, the other, were formerly that one, that other; the latter is still preserved in the expression, in vulgar English, the tother. Not only this is kept in the Scotch dialect, but the former is used, these occurring as the tane, the tother, or the tane, the tither; for example,—
We ca’ her sometimes the tane, sometimes the tother.—Scott.
An before vowel sounds, a before consonant sounds.
Ordinarily an is used before vowel sounds, and a before consonant sounds. Remember that a vowel sound does not necessarily mean beginning with a vowel, nor does consonant sound mean beginning with a consonant, because English spelling does not coincide closely with the sound of words. Examples: “a house,” “an orange,” “a European,” “an honor,” “a yelling crowd.”
An with consonant sounds.
Many writers use an before h, even when not silent, when the word is not accented on the first syllable.
An historian, such as we have been attempting to describe, would indeed be an intellectual prodigy.—Macaulay.
The Persians were an heroic people like the Greeks.—Brewer.
He [Rip] evinced an hereditary disposition to attend to anything else but his business.—Irving.
An habitual submission of the understanding to mere events and images.—Coleridge.
An hereditary tenure of these offices.—Thomas Jefferson.
An article is a little word that comes before a noun. There are two kinds of articles: definite articles and indefinite articles.
In English there is just one definite article: “the”. There are two indefinite articles: “a” and “an”. The word “an” is used before a word starting with a vowel sound: we say “a horse”, “a child”, “a European” (Euro has a “Y” sound), “a university”, but “an orange”, “an elephant”.
Some languages have more than one word for “the”. This is because each noun is either masculine or feminine or, in some languages it can be masculine, feminine or neuter. For example: in French “le” is used for masculine nouns (“le jardin” – “the garden”) and “la” for feminine nouns (“la table” – “the table”). “The” becomes “les” in front of plural nouns. The indefinite articles in French are “un” (masculine) and “une” (feminine). German and Dutch have masculine, feminine and neuter nouns, but in the case of Dutch the word for “the” is the same for masculine and feminine (“de”) so you do not need to know which it is.
Some languages (for example: Russian and Japanese) do not have articles. When speakers of these languages are learning English, it is often difficult to explain to them what an article is. English speakers use them automatically.
In general: “the” in English is used for something you have already been talking about. The word “a” is used when introducing a new idea:
“The tired woman was looking for her cat. Suddenly she saw the cat up a tree”. (We are already talking about the cat. The tree is a new idea).
“The tired woman was walking along when she suddenly saw a cat up a tree”. (She had not been thinking about cats until then).
Sometimes we do not need an article, for example when talking about something in general:
“The dogs do not bite” (meaning: Mr Smith’s dogs). “Barking dogs do not bite” (barking dogs in general).
The use of Another, Other, Others and Else
The words another, other, others and else are used to indicate one or more additional or different things.
Another is formed from a combination of the words an and other, and has a meaning similar to one other. When used as an adjective, another can precede only a singular countable noun. When used as a pronoun, another takes a singular verb.
e.g. Please bring me another knife.
Another of her uncles lives in Montreal.
In the first example, another modifies the singular noun knife. In the second example, the pronoun another is the subject of the singular verb lives.
Other can be used with singular countable, plural countable or uncountable nouns.
e.g. The other door is open.
The other streets are paved.
Do you have any other luggage?
In these examples, other modifies the singular countable noun door, the plural countable noun streets, and the uncountable noun luggage.
Another usually cannot be immediately preceded by a determiner. In contrast, when used before a singular countable noun, other usually must be preceded by a determiner.
e.g. Please pass me the other cup.
I do not know any other way to do it.
There must be some other explanation.
In these examples, other is used with the singular countable nouns cup, way and explanation, and is preceded by the determiners the, any and some.
When other modifies a singular countable noun, the noun is sometimes omitted, particularly in the expression one … the other.
e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other is blue.
One of my parents is a teacher; the other is a doctor.
In these examples, the nouns following the word other are understood, rather than expressed. In the following sentences, the nouns which are understood are enclosed in square brackets.
e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other [pen] is blue.
One of my parents is a teacher; the other [parent] is a doctor.
Others is a pronoun. Others can be used to take the place of the word other, followed by a plural countable noun.
e.g. Those trees are hemlocks; the others are pines.
Ten people belong to the group, and five others are planning to join.
In the first example, others takes the place of the words other trees. In the second example, others takes the place of the words other people.
Others is often used in the expression some … others.
e.g. Some books are easy to read, but others are quite difficult.
Some people like classical music, while others prefer jazz.
The word else has a meaning similar to other. However, rather than being used as an adjective preceding a noun, else usually follows interrogative pronouns such as who and what, and indefinite pronouns such as anyone and someone.
e.g. Who else was at the meeting?
What else is on the agenda?
Has anyone else solved the problem?
Someone else may be able to help you.
Hana Yori Dango
- Title: 花より男子
- Title (romaji): Hana Yori Dango
- Also known as: Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers
- Format: Renzoku, across two seasons
- Genre: Romance
- Broadcast network: TBS
- Air time: Friday 22:00
- Related dramas: Meteor Garden, Boys Before Flowers, Liu Xing Yu
Season 1
- Episodes: 9
- Viewership rating: 19.6 (Kanto)
- Broadcast period: 2005-Oct-21 to 2005-Dec-16
- Theme song: WISH by Arashi
- Insert song: Planetarium by Otsuka Ai
Makino Tsukushi is the only poor student at Eitoku Gakuen, the school of the ridiculously rich and privileged that is ruled by Flower 4 or F4, a group of four boys who come from extremely powerful families: Domyoji Tsukasa, the leader and heir of the Domyoji World Finance Group; Hanazawa Rui, the introverted son of a large company; Nishikado Sojiro, a player who is the heir of a tea ceremony school; and Mimasaka Akira, a madam killer with ties to the underground. If a student gets on the F4’s bad side, he/she gets a red notice and is bullied and driven out of school.
Makino hopes to pass her days quietly-- without drawing any attention to herself-- but one day, she stands up to Domyoji in defense of her friend. The next day, Makino gets the dreaded red notice. Even though she is harassed, Makino decides to keep going to school because she is a “tough weed”. She declares war right back on the F4. Her resolve gets the attention of her crush Hanazawa Rui and oddly enough, rouses romantic feelings in her worst enemy, Domyoji Tsukasa.
The series is based on the Japanese shoujo manga "Hana Yori Dango" (Boys Before Flowers) by Kamio Yoko.
- Inoue Mao as Makino Tsukushi
- Matsumoto Jun as Domyoji Tsukasa
- Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui
- Matsuda Shota as Nishikado Sojiro
- Abe Tsuyoshi as Mimasaka Akira
- Sato Megumi as Sanjo Sakurako
- Nishihara Aki as Matsuoka Yuki
- Seto Saki as Asai Yuriko
- Fukada Aki as Ayuhara Erika
- Matsuoka Emiko as Yamano Minako
- David Ito as Nishida
- Sada Mayumi as Todo Shizuka
- Kato Takako as Sengoku Sachiyo
- Tomiura Satoshi as Makino Susumu (brother of Tsukushi)
- Kobayashi Susumu as Makino Haruo (father of Tsukushi)
- Ishino Mako as Makino Chieko (mother of Tsukushi)
- Matsushima Nanako as Domyoji Tsubaki (sister of Tsukasa)
- Kaga Mariko as Domyoji Kaede (mother of Tsukasa)
- Ito Kazue as Yamanaka Minako
- Nakayama Masei as Terada Junji (Class 2C)
- Kaku Tomohiro as Sawatari Shingo (ep1)
- Sano Kazuma as Kimoto Takayuki (ep1)
- Hasegawa Tomoharu (ep1)
- Igarashi Shunji (ep1)
- Handa Kento as Ryuji (ep4-5)
- Gashuin Tatsuya (ep4-5)
- Takuma Takayuki (ep4-9)
- Oshinari Shugo as Nakatsuka (ep6-7)
- Mitsuya Yoko as Nakatsuka's other girl (ep6-7)
- Sakai Ayana as Kurimaki Ayano (ep8-9)
- Hankai Kazuaki as TOJ's emcee (ep8-9)
- Shibuya Momoko as a TOJ participant (ep8-9)
- Suzuki Sotaro (ep9)
“Manga” sama “anime”, dua hal yang udah gak aneh lagi untuk kita dengar, bener kan?!! Apalagi untuk kalangan remaja sekarang, wah kayaknya gak gaul kali ya kalo sampe gak tau apa itu manga sama anime....Hehehe..., nah kalo ada yang belum tau mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa sedikit membantu, ya paling engga bisa jadi sedikit informasi lah…!!!Manga adalah istilah komik dalam bahasa Jepang, tetapi yang kita tau atau banyak orang mengenal manga adalah komik buatan Jepang yang pembuatnya disebut dengan mangaka. Nah kalo anime merupakan film kartun khas Jepang, dan pembuatnya disebut animator. Anime yang saat ini sedang digemari sama banyak masyarakat kita ternyata sudah masuk ke Indonesia dari dulu loh, menurut keterangan dari salah satu situs forum komunitas Jepang di Indonesia yaitu situs Animindo, anime pertama kali masuk ke Indonesia sekitar tahun 1970-an, dan stasiun televisi yang pertama kali nayanginnya ya gak lain Cuma TVRI (masalahnya pada waktu itu gak ada statsiun TV lagi selain TVRI), waktu itu judul animenya adalah Wanpaku Omukahi Kum-Kum. Nah kalo serial anime yang pertama kali ditayangin adalah Chodenji-Mashin Voltes V (Voltus 5) yang di keluarin tahun 1980-an, terus disusul dengan Sengoku Majin Goshogun, Uchuu Taitei God Sigma, Mazinger Z (Red Shadow), Getter Robo (Shogun Geta), Ikkyu San, Candy-Candy, dan masih banyak lagi. Pada awal tahun 1990-an anime yang sempat fakum kembali muncul, dan judulnya tentu sudah gak asing lagi di telinga kita, yaitu Doraemaon dan Saint Seiya. Anime ini dulu mendapat respon yang luar biasa dari penonton Indonesia, bahkan anime ini masih dikenal dan disukai sampai saat ini.
Sejarah masuknya manga ke Indonesia tak jauh beda dari anime. Manga yang pertama kali di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo yang judulnya Candy-Candy tahun 1990-an, dan salah satunya Doraemon yang juga ditayangkan RCTI.
Gaya penggambaran manga ternyata juga dapat dilihat dari versi anime-nya. Biasanya penggambaran tokohnya dengan ciri khas seperti mata besar, hidung segaris dan mulut kecil, serta menggunakan gaya bermacam-macam, mulai dari humanoid sampai chibi. Humanoid adalah gaya menggambar yang menyerupai atau paling enggak mendekati struktur tubuh manusia normal, contohnya kayak Vangabond, Hikaru No Go, Bleach, Death Note dan tentunya masih banyak lagi. Sedangkan chibi adalah gaya menggambar yang menggambarkan struktur tubuh manusia dalam bentuk tubuh kerdil, contohnya Ge Ge Ge No Kitarou, Chibi Maruko-Chan, Bidaman Bakugaiden, dan lain-lain.
Selain istilah tadi, masih ada satu lagi istilah dalam dunia manga, yaitu doujinsi. Doujinsi adalah sebutan bagi manga yang dibuat fans manga yang punya alur cerita dan ending berbeda dari aslinya, ya pelesetannya lah....!!! Sedangkan pembuatnya disebut doujinshika. Doujinshika sejauh ini belum ada yang menyebarkan manga dalam bentuk tankobon (yang di kenal dengan istilah volume). Biasanya mereka mengirimkan hasil karyanya untuk dimuat dalam majalah-majalah yang bertemakan anime.
Anime dan manga ini bukan hanya sekedar gambar aja loh, tapi ternyata pengaruh anime dan manga saat ini sudah sangat kuat pada dunia fashion, musik, bahkan pada kepribadian para penggemarnya. Bahkan sampai ada penggemar yang fanatik banget, malah udah kayak orang “nyandu” segala... Mereka ini gak Cuma sekedar hobi membaca atau menonton saja, tapi juga sampai berusaha bergaya menyerupai karakter tersebut, bahkan ada juga yang sampai mengeluarkan biaya yang gak kecil untuk dapat menyerupai karakter tersebut. Wah kayaknya keren juga ya....
Sebenarnya banyak banget sisi positif yang bisa kita ambil dari demam manga dan anime ini, salah satunya mungkin bagaimana filosofi yang terkandung dalam sebuah cerita sebuah anime atau manga tersebut. Mangkanya ayo donk animator-animator atau mangaka-mangaka indonesia kapan nih dapat membuat karya-karya sendiri yang gak kalah seru dan menarik kayak anime dan manga Jepang....!!!
(sumber : Kompas)
- Title: 꽃보다 남자 / Kgotboda Namja
- Also known as: Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers
- Genre: Romance, comedy
- Episodes: 25
- Broadcast network: KBS2
- Broadcast period: 2009-Jan-05 to 2009-Mar-31
- Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
- Related Series: Meteor Garden, Hana Yori Dango, Liu Xing Yu
- OSTs: Boys Before Flowers OST, Boys Before Flowers OST 2, Boys Before Flowers OST 2.5
Jan Di is an average girl whose family owns a dry cleaning store located near the luxurious and well known Shin Hwa College. Jan Di meets the four richest and most spoiled boys known as the F4. After saving a boy from jumping off the roof of Shinhwa High School, she is admitted into the school on a swimming scholarship. Jan Di tries to avoid confrontation with the F4 at all cost because she knows what happens to those that stand against them. However, when Jan Di's friend, Oh Min Ji, accidentally gets ice cream on the leader of the F4's shoes, she's forced to declare war on the leader of the F4, Goo Joon Pyo.
- Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di
- Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo
- Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo
- Kim Bum as So Yi Jung
- Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin
Extended Cast
- Kim So Eun as Chu Ga Eul (Jan Di's best friend)
- Kim Hyun Joo as Goo Joon Hee (Joon Pyo's elder sister)
- Lee Hye Young as Kang Hee Soo (Joon Pyo's mother)
- Ahn Suk Hwan as Geum Il Bong (Jan Di's father)
- Im Ye Jin as Na Gong Joo (Jan Di's mother)
- Park Ji Bin as Geum Kang San (Jan Di's younger brother)
- Han Chae Young as Min Seo Hyun (F4's best friend/Ji Hoo's ex girl friend)
- Lee Min Jung as Ha Jae Kyung (JK Group's CEO's daughter and Jun Pyo's fiancee)
- Lee Jung Gil as Yoon Seok Young (Ji Hoo's grandfather)
- Jung Ho Bin as Jung Sang Rok (Kang Hee Soo's Chief Secretary)
- Lee Si Young as Oh Min Ji
- Gook Ji Yun as Choi Jin Hee / Ginger
- Jang Ja Yun as Park Sun Ja / Sunny
- Min Young Won as Lee Mi Sook / Miranda
- Kim Ki Bang as Bom Chun Sik (Jan Di and Ga Eul's boss)
- Song Suk Ho as Butler Lee
- Kim Young Ok as Head Maid
- Im Ju Hwan as So Il Hyun (Yi Jung's older brother)
- Park Soo Jin as Cha Eun Jae (Yi Jung's first love)
- Kim Min Ji as Jang Yoo Mi
- Kim Jong Jin as So Hyun Sub (Yi Jung's father)
- Jung Ui Chul as Lee Min Ha / Min Jae Ha (fashion model)
- Kim Hyung Joon as himself (cameo, ep4)
- Kim Kyu Jong as himself (cameo, ep4)
- Heo Young Saeng as himself (cameo, ep4)
- Lee Hae Woo as Host Q (the guy who drugged Jan Di's drink, ep4)
- Lee Jung Joon as Gong Soo Pyo (Ga Eul's boyfriend, ep9-10)
- Heo Kyung Hwan as (Cell phone event MC, ep10)
- Lee Jung Sung as radiologist (cameo, ep13)
- Hai Ming (하이밍) as Ming (Ji Hoo's friend, ep14-15)
- Lee Suk Goo (이석구) as (Shinhwa's high school principal)
- Jo Soo Bin as announcer
- ?? as Goo Bon Hyung (Joon Pyo's father)
Production Credits
- Original Work: Manga Hana Yori Dango by Kamio Yoko
- Production Company: Group Eight
- Director: Jun Ki Sang
- Screenwriter: Yoon Ji Ryun
Langkah pertama mulailah mencari referensi buku komik yang akan digambar, karena mencontoh gambar yang sudah ada lebih mudah daripada harus membuat gambar sendiri.
Sebelum kita mulai menggambar siapkan peralatan gambar terlebih dahulu kertas kosong, pensil dan penghapus. Nah.. kalau semuanya sudah siap mari kita mulai menggambar.
Gambarlah wajah salah satu tokoh komik favorit Anda dengan cara perlahan-lahan. Saya sarankan gambarlah tokoh komik yang kira-kira mudah untuk di gambar misalnya Doraemon atau Sincan.
Gambarlah dengan perlahan-lahan... dan tidak perlu khawatir bila hasil gambarnya tidak mirip dengan komiknya, namanya juga baru belajar menggambar.
Usahakan dalam setiap menggambar wajah dari tokoh komik dilakukan sampai selesai. Gambarlah wajah tokoh komik tersebut secara berulang-ulang sehingga kira-kira mirip dengan di komiknya.
Kemudian gambar tokoh komik tersebut tanpa harus melihat buku komik. Mungkin gambar yang dihasilkan tidak mirip dengan aslinya, tapi yang paling penting anda sudah mengetahui ciri-ciri khusus pada gambar tokoh komik tersebut.
Gambarlah wajah tokoh tersebut dalam posisi yang berbeda , misalnya gambar dari arah samping atau depan. Lakukan hal ini berulang-ulang, kemudian gambar tokoh komik tersebut tanpa harus melihat buku komik.
Sebagai catatan, jangan dulu berpindah untuk menggambar tokoh komik yang lain, karena itu akan merusak konsentrasi anda dalam menggambar.
Jika Anda sudah dapat menggambar wajah tanpa harus melihat buku komik. Selanjutnya cobalah untuk mengganti ekspresi wajah tokoh komik tersebut, misalnya gambar ekspresi wajah yang sedang marah, sedih atau ekspresi wajah gembira.
Ikuti langkah demi langkah point-point yang ada diatas.